18 June 2003:
Today we did research work the whole day long. Near a cottage at our
research ground is a nest of the Snow Bunting. There are already 8 eggs in the nest!
19 June 2003:
A day for a walk. Today we went to Bjorndalen again. This time we cycled the first part of the trip.
Directly behind the airport was the first surprise, a beautiful pair of Grey Phalaropes decked out in
their summer feathers. They weren't shy at all; you could get within a few meters of them! Unfortunately,
the sun wasn't shining but I went ahead and took some pictures anyway.

The male Grey Pharalope
After this amazing encounter we took off on our cycles again. Along the way, we stopped to take some
pictures of the view when suddenly, an Arctic Skua came to perch on a rock just a few meters away.
Arctic Skuas are real thieves; they chase other birds that have already caught something to eat until
they drop it. Then they swoop in and grab it up. They also patrol above other bird colonies. Unprotected
eggs or young are quickly taken.

The Arctic Skua

Reindeer in Bjorndalen
Three curious reindeer were waiting for us when we returned to Bjorndalen. It still amazes me how unafraid of
humans these animals are. We were able to take some very nice pictures of the reindeer with a typical Norwegian
house in the background. Instead of going on into Bjorndalen, we walked along the sea to a colony of Brunnich's Guillemots
. On our way to the colony we saw 4 Barnacle geese standing in a river. There were also Kittiwakes, Northern Fulmars,
Glaucous Gulls and Arctic Skuas flying around our heads along with Brunnich's Guillemots and Black Guillemots swimming in the sea.

Nice view with a Brunnich's Guillemot to the right.
The Black Guillemots were showing their beautiful red paws as they dove under the water. On our way back we saw
2 beautiful Arctic Foxes. They were in the process of shedding their winter coats so they were already brown with some
white spots. Apparently, one of them was walking to close to the nests of the Arctic Skuas because they chased him away.
Unfortunately by then, we were out of time. But we will definitely be back again!